The Living World

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The Living World

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FRI is situated at


Five kingdom classified was given by


Holotype is a


Arrange the following in order of increasing group size, beginning with the smallest (i) family (ii) kingdom (iii) phylum/division (iv) genus (v) order (vi) class (vii) species.


The study of the kind of life in outer space is known as:


A convenient way for easy identification of an organism by applying diagnostic contrasting characters is called


Which taxonomic category contains organisms belonging to same class but not to same family?


Most recent branch of Taxonomy is


Choose the incorrect statement regarding herbarium


CNH (Central National Herbarium) is located at


Ordines Anomali of Bentham and Hooker includes


The first modern Botanical garden was


The places where collection of dried, pressed plant specimens mounted on paper or placed in liquid representative are kept systematically


Which of the following is an automatically created name?


Species belonging to different time period are called


What is true for individuals of same species?


Which of the following is not a taxon?


Which one of the following has least similar characters?


The main objective of plant taxonomy is


Genus is a group of related


The category which includes related families is


What is a botanical garden?


The U.S. National Herbarium is situated in


Binomial nomenclature includes


Which one of the following animals is correctly matched with its particular named taxonomic category?


Static concept of species (nullae species novae i.e., no species new, it is immutable) was given by


In case of plants classes with a few similar characters are assinged to a higher category called


Which of the following is a category?


Two similar holotypes are called


Who proposed phylogenetic classification of plants?


Taxon is


The immense biological diversity (1.7 million species of living organisms -1.2 million animals and 0.5 million plants) that we see is the result of


Choose the correct sequence of taxonomic categories in Linnaeus Hierarchy


Which of the following is less general in characters as compared to genus?


The sorting out of identified and accessioned herbaria sheets family. Genus and species wise and their arrangement according to a standard system of classification are a step in making herbarium. This step is known as


The head quarter of BSI (Botanical survey of India) is at


Identify from the following the only taxonomic category that has a real existence


In a taxonomic hierarchy, categories/taxa are arranged in


A new nomenclatural type submitted when the original material is missing is known as


Which one of the following is not includes in taxonomical aids


Scala naturae (ladder of nature) was first theory in Biology in which all things were placed in a hierarchy. It was given by


Binomial epithet in binomial nomenclature is


Which of the following is a name for a taxon that is identical to other such name?


The category which includes related families is


The ascending or descending arrangement of taxonomic categories is called as


Question 1 of 45